Friday, March 1, 2013

Our Greatest Gift to the Cosmos -- Classical Music

Ha Na Chang sweating out Shostakovitch.  I won't kid you; I have absolutely no formal education in music.  You could conclude that I actually listen "by ear."  However, I now listen very closely.  For example, I attempt to ferret out the base in rock and roll music.  Drum rhythms as well.

But please pay special attention to Han Na's sawing of the Cello strings at 5:20 through 5:46.  It reminds me of the manner in which Led Zeppelin delivers the bizarre rhythmic mix or contest between the drummer and the lead guitarist, Jimmy Page, which initially strikes the listener as disorganized.  Until, that is, she keeps listening.  But, don't listen to me.  My ear for music is totally uncertified.  The closest metaphor?  The time I practiced uncertified CPR on an unconscious woman, named Jerri, on a flat raft on the Tennessee River while we floated toward Ross's Landing.  I got her going again.  Totally uncertified.  

David Byrne and Talking Heads - Burning Down the House