Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cervantes' Commentary on the Golden Age of Nature

"[T]he heavy curve of the plowshare had not yet dared to open or violate the merciful womb of our first mother, for she, without being forced, offered up, everywhere across her broad and fertile bosom,whatever would satisfy, sustain, and delight the children who then possessed her."

                                                                                                          Don Quixote

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Un-Blessed. Does Jesus Love Them, Too?

Say:  Jesus Loves Me,
   This I Know,
   For the Bible
  Tells Me So.

By His Hands
We All are Fed,
Thank Him for
Our Daily Bread.

Now say, "Amen."

Now utter this mantra every day of your life, before every meal, so you'll blur image above. 

These are cheap, meaningless, and completely dishonest words that are recited so that we can fall under the sectarian spell and its corrupt illusion that would have us duped in to believing that we live in a just world.

We Do Not.

Without each other, and a whole lot of luck, we are completely on our own.