Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Ting Tings - Shut Up And Let Me Go (Instrumental) [We Started Nothing]

Aphex Twin - Avril 14th (Extended) (+playlist)

Robin Elliott - Little Soldier

Robin Elliot, Beastie Boys,

Ana Harel Film - Bombay Beach (Trailer)

Alma Harel Film Fjogur Piano Sigur Ros

Elvis Perkins - While You Were Sleeping

Courtesy of WhetTones

Lily & Madeline - Goodbye to Anyone

Two extraordinary talented heartbreakers

Borrowed from WhetTones

James Joyce

"Our lust is brief.  We are means to those small creatures within us, and nature has other ends than we."

I believe that Joyce was referring to the brevity of life and the whole of nature and the existence of a consciousness related to that whole.  Humans are only a part of the whole of the fauna and flora.  We're not the purpose of nature.  Nature is not an entity that exists outside of us for our exploitation.  We are a small, but exceptional part of it.  But, that is all.  In the end, we rarely get to see what got us.  These creatures are just too small.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Chrissy Hyndes

An anthem to the power of a photograph.  It "hijacked her world that night."  I praise the poetry and pedal steel."  One of the greatest piece ever put together.