Saturday, May 15, 2021


I actually fell asleep while playing this jazz album. I declare.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Favorite Things

Favorite number's 44. Least favorite word - meat. Favorite food: Mushroom ravioli with olives, pesto, garlic, and dried tomatos. Favoirte bands: Radiohead Pixies, Frank Black and the Catholics, . . . . Favorite color - teal. Favorite destination: Upstairs. Favorite animal: cat. Favorite wild animal: crotalis horridus (Timber Rattler); Favorite Baseball Team: Atlanta Braves; Favorite Flavor: Lemon. Favorite activity: powerwalking, yardwork. Favorite author: Milan Kundera. Favorite Movie: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; Favorite Song: Number 13 Baby, Pixies. Favorite area: grey.

Rone - Bye Bye Macadam (Official Video)