Monday, August 30, 2021

Big Thief - Little Things (Official Audio)

Rodrigo Amarante - Maré [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]

José González - Head On (Official Music Video)

The Raccoon in the Woods

The remnants of local raccoon. The critters and the elements reduced it to this state in a matter of a few days. I actually saw a box turtle knawing on it in concert with a couple of big snails, along with the standard issue maggots and flies. It died a violent death. Dogs, I think.
This is the same animal, taken three days prior, before the heavy rains and the scavengers completed their important work.

Thursday, August 26, 2021


That there's a beautyberry bush, lower right. I picked this up several years ago at Jansch Nursery in Wartburg, after a prison visit. It has little clusters of purple berries that gather at the ends of its branches. Flora native to East Tennessee.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Robert Moore, Crime Reporter - Citizen Tribune

That there's Bob Moore on the right. He was my friend. Problem is, Bob got invited to watch Nicky Sutton's electrocution over in Nashville back in March of 2020. He came home and drank himself to death. Bob was 60. Careful of the images you allow to be pressed up against your mind's eye if you opt to press your eys up against the glass. You never know when one more's going to be that sentence-ending one too many.

Viji - Drowsy (Lightning)

The Beatles - Paperback Writer

Zella Day - Girls (Official Audio)

Lord Huron - Love Me Like You Used To (Official Video)

Friday, August 20, 2021

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Took this with my new Kodak this morning, while listening to War, by Idles. It's the ceiling above me in my office. Like a cheap knock-off of a faux CERN pic.
Taken at 9:45 a.m. while listening to Home Spun by Grant Lee Buffalo. Same light, in different light.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Aldous Harding - 'Old Peel' (Official Video)

Viji - Cherry

Global Warming and Climate Change Logo - Siberian Wildfires 2021 - An Ominous Image

This image is a fitting logo for global warming and climate change. With these contastrophies in the works, destructive duo that has resulted from the ad hominem ignition of fossil fuel and consequent carbon emissions, Siberians no longer have to go out to cut wood to bring it in to warm their homes. Global warming has ostensibly reversed the process.

Saturday, August 14, 2021