Monday, May 16, 2022


What if consciousness is meaningless?  Meaningless in terms of everything aside from the evolutionary utility of the species.  We developed consciousness in order to survive, adapt and evolve.  But that consciousness has also served to enable humans to explore, first using their feet, and last using astronomical devices to explore the universes and possibly the multiverses that lay without.  But that cognition has no meaning.  It serves the only the species, while it destroys the planet.  My hands and feet and eyes and tympanic membranes evolved in order to enable me to hunt and gather, but the will of the human animal has perverted those tools in every way imaginable, not through a conscious choice, but through strict adherence to the law of evolution.  Like gravity, the law of evolution pulls toward its centerpieces not only those features and tools necessary to hunt and gather and thus survive, but also the ability to use those tools to create human comfort through technology.  In the end, all the consciousness in the world is meaningless because it only serves to benefit the ultimate species, which is the human species.  On the whole, and with the benefit of that same consciousness, I conclude that it has proved totally useless -- destructive in fact.  Marx was right.  But he was dead wrong when he concluded that we could move toward a common light with "each according to his need."