"The mind must be given over to wandering walks and so too must you." Seneca
Monday, February 20, 2012
Dialectical and Historical Materialism 101
Hegel argued that the human cognitive process was the producer or artisan of the material world. The approach was egocentric, to say the least. Marx, however, reversed the process with his musing on dialectical materialism, or as Stalin coined the term, "diamat." In other words, our cognitive ability is merely a reflection of the ever changing process that lies outside of our cognition. It is not we who author the material world. It authors us. Class struggle then becomes the targeted recipient of Marx' critique of the matter of the world and his vision of the way things ought to be. Our life is controlled by matter. Human history is the history of matter and its dominion by humans. This is historical materialism. Proof 1: I am made of the same cabon matter as the keyboard at which I peck away.
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