Sunday, April 21, 2013

Brian Aubert - Frontman for Silversun Pickups

This cat has an electric guitar extending quite naturally from the bones beneath his fingertips and bar-chord indices.  I sincerely believe that he's one of the best guitarists I've heard in a long, long time. Maybe ever.  I think I'll pronounce his last name using my faux French vernacular:  AWE-bear.  Brian AWE-bear.

And his voice.  His voice is very intense in a high-pitched, almost painful resonance when he amps it up.  Brian must be careful with that voice lest it merge smack dab into the dangerously close resonance of a boy-band member huffing helium before the show.  My message to Brian:

Keep it on the alternative shoulder, Brian. You're very, very talented.  Just stay away from nonsensical lyrics involving "magazines" and "sisters."  You've got it all.  Now you must give way to your own frontman -  and it's named, Stewardship.  Be a clever steward of this biological software, Brian.  Charles Thompson's vocal chords were permanently damaged because he screamed too much.  So throttle it when you can.
I could be wrong about you Brian.  But I turned all my friends and family on to a very obscure band in 1988, named the Pixies after I saw them perform on television late one night in Tullahoma, Tennessee.  I was hooked and have stayed that way now for 25 years.  So have they, and countless others with good alternative taste buds.
One last thing - don't overdo it.
The list of over-doers is replete with colossal talent.
We all know who they are, but we'll never know who they all are.