Friday, February 14, 2014

Oxytocin, Pheramones, Seratonin, Dopamine, Value, Urination, etc.

Oxytocin:  A neurotransmitter known as "the bonding hormone."

Pheraamones:  Olfactory signals that are exchanged between people.

Seratonin:  A neurotransmitter that contributes to well-being and happiness.

Dopamine:  Motor control, motivation, reward neurotransmitter.

While I was watching a quasi-documentary, I saw a computer pose the following question to a programmer:  "What is the highest value?"  Dude typed in "infinity," first.  Then "love," and then "life."  About then I had to pee, and on the way to the bathroom I came up with the answer:  The highest value is the next highest value plus one.  In my world then value is relative.