"The mind must be given over to wandering walks and so too must you." Seneca
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Addicts and Alcoholics
What separates addicts and alcoholics from the rest of society is their need to constantly adjust the thermostat on their consciousness in order to cope with their own vagaries. They are alcoholics and addicts because they have effectively lost control over their intake, called "unmanagability" in AA parlance. This naturally throws off balance their ability to make the thermostatic adjustments to their congnitive interactions with people, places, and things associated with this incremental life on planet earth. Probably has something to do with what's called, "affect." Who knows?
Appalachian American Ennui: Newt Gingrich, The Lillelid Murders, and Appalachi... : NPR did a piece called "This I Believe" a...
This is an important film, thanks to the hard work of director, Daniel Schmidt. It should appeal to everyone, regardless of your hemisp...