Thursday, June 18, 2020

Aristotle's Modes of Persuasion in the Age of Donald Trump and "Fake News."

Chairman Trump exploits pathos, ignores logos, and eviscerates the ethos by ad hominem attacks on those who would question his actions.  His adversary's credibility is dispensed with terms like "Crazy Bernie," "Little Marco," and the like.  He then proceeds by corroborating his own credibility by appealing to morons, who accept the bait, especially when he waves the flag and conjoins God with his presidency, lifting a bible into the air in a sectarian photo op.  This is the pathos.  Logos is drowned out by the first two modes and is effectively neutralized because of his declaration that any argument that disparages him or his administration is "fake news."  It's the god damndest thing I've ever witnessed.