"The mind must be given over to wandering walks and so too must you." Seneca
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Duck Creek Accident
I was driving to meet a client in Hancock County when I got in behind the pictured Ford, which was weaving down Duck Creek Road when it veered right and descended to the position shown. A very old man was inside. Once I determined that he was in no immediate danger, I tried to call 9-1-1, but the reception was Appalachian bad. I drove to Highway 31 and flagged down the first vehicle that approached. Turns out, I knew the old couple; Judge Bill McMurry (ret.), and his wife, Judy. They called 9-1-1 so I could return to the scene and monitor the situation until help arrived. At this point I should note that had I not known the old dude was down in hollow, no one would have been able to see him from the road. Serendipity, I guess. I had hollered at the the old man as he was attempted to free himself from the car by extending a walking stick upward and out the drivers' side window, to absolutely no avial. When the law arrived I said as much, to which a bystander declared, that's Stanley Greene. He can't hear a god damned thing. Afterward I checked on him. Not a scratch. I was equally concerned with any fuel or radiator leakage into the tributary. None detected.
That there's the back of Stanley's old white head and his left ear.
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