Friday, April 21, 2023

The quilted lap of all cat tops

The quilted lap of all cat tops cups a universe of the black bean-like pawy-like pads within ephemerial wafts of bad breath in the dark small hours illuminated by the lumens by lamplight in this recling device body folds directed primarily by that same gravity that trees ignore like reclining kings and queens which is why I would not know As it seams the skins of my two hands shining lightly.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Best List (No Ranking)

Radiohead, The Smile, Neil Young, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pixies, David Bowie, Police (though their work hasn't aged well), Greatful Dead, Uncle Tupelo/Son Volt, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, Steven Wilson/Porcupine Tree, Zero 7, Electric Light Orchestra, Supertramp, Fleetwood Mac, Lou Reed, Cars, MIchael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, Alt-J,

Four Notions to Remove | Thich Nhat Hanh (short teaching video)

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Sunday, February 12, 2023


Zero 7 - Somersault (Featuring Sia) | Glastonbury, 2004

A Blue Jay, Animated Venn Diagrams, the Task at Hand, Relative Centers, and Amino Acids

A blue jay shows up good in the winter woods. As differences disappear, so do the perfect circles conjoined, eventually, and becoming the single one. Peak performance during the task at hand requires one to withdraw from it both quick and perfect once she's done. I think that center of anything is only just that. The centers relate exactly to the task at hand. A universal center is incapable of detection, so its progeny, infinite in their singular time and space, inherit the incalculable project and go right to work. Decades later I would find myself thinking about an Astonomy Ph.D candidate who once assured me that God is a euphemism for amino acid. Because he matriculated into the graduate level of nonother than Vanderbilt university, I really listened.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The bridge to Samadhi, . . .

A window full of butterflies, My body in the morning, The sound of the rain on metal, A belly full of change, "just relax," rattled out the rain.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Suffering, Grace, Impermanence, The Moving, Breathing Ballast; Lessening, Gratitude, Love, Forgiveness, The Was-ness of the past, The Is-ness of the present, The Adventure of Letting Go into the Future,

The not watering of negative seeds, The watering of all others, The universal fabric, Deep consciousness and navigation of spaciousness and time, My time finally came for letting go. I think the kingdom is light blue. For me anyway. The present moment moving forward in the thinnest of incremental slices almost as if all at once. That popping sound from each successive momento combined into an ostensibly seamless humming sound so fast.