"The mind must be given over to wandering walks and so too must you." Seneca
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Asheville - June 29, 2024 - Frank's First Ink Conflated With an Electric Pacifier and Appalachian American Ennui
Blackie made sure my rising, which I then paid forward to Frank with unexpected and amazing results by climbing atop his long body, straddling his sleeping chest and arms, and ensured his awakening, as well. We were up early and soon set out. Inkward, onward, and southbound to Asheville. The Amsterdam of the Southern Appalachians. I think we laughed all the way from Morristown to Asheville, if that's even possible. I shared my guts with my best friend, and the hilarity overtook the Toyota interior the entire way down. Iced coffee from the cooled countertop in the Woolworth enabled us to watch it rain on beautifully progressive and high functioning people of all stripes. True to form, Frank cautioned the congregants and artists: "you really can't take him anywhere," and bade the top of the morning to gentle pixie-like Jordan Ata in the afternoon. Gentle Jordan, to whom I entrusted my changeling, enabled my emergent son Forever changed from Forever Tattoo. The color black enabled the others to bulge from muscled armed surroundings. Peanuts, Pepsi, and yes, sadly, a couple of Red Bulls were found to be necessary on no sleep. I, on the other hand, slept long and and nightmarishly well. His was but two hours. The prize? Yet another of the greatest days of our lives.
Meanwhile, above Clinch Mountain near Yellow Branch, called, Chinqupin, near War Creek, which empties into the Clinch River, the boy with that plastic abomination flashing red, blue and green in his mouth turned six. I was told "a man gave it to him." It reminds me -- What's to become of the boy amongst the hill and holler billies and the children among whom they affect? I bought the fucked up, garish instrumentality from him for two bucks and took it home and threw it into the cats. Vergil is chasing its flashing lights violently across the floorboards.
I've seen this monstrosity unfold before. This happens with a silent frequency within the hollows of Appalachian American Ennui. It's called grooming, and it puts merciless violence in my heart and ironically does nothing to pacify.
Appalachian American Ennui: Newt Gingrich, The Lillelid Murders, and Appalachi... : NPR did a piece called "This I Believe" a...
This is an important film, thanks to the hard work of director, Daniel Schmidt. It should appeal to everyone, regardless of your hemisp...