All the problems on earth can be condensed to a single nucleus -- unplanned, unintended pregnancy. Humanity has failed miserably to exercise responsible stewardship of the questionable gift of sexual intercourse, and its representatives won't touch the issue.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Took Winston Churchill's Black Dog for a Walk on Sunday. It Got Out on Tuesday.
Or maybe it took me for a walk. Understand that when we take each other out, which is fortunately a rare thing, we usually have to avoid the venue for a long time afterward on account of socially unacceptable performances we delivered. Unless, of course, when we can't. The good news is that, despite the dog slipping his lead yesterday as I was working at the Justice Center, I didn't slap the genuine fuck out anyone.
Appalachian American Ennui: Newt Gingrich, The Lillelid Murders, and Appalachi... : NPR did a piece called "This I Believe" a...
This is an important film, thanks to the hard work of director, Daniel Schmidt. It should appeal to everyone, regardless of your hemisp...