Thursday, February 4, 2021

My Essential Radiohead

M Y   E S S E N T I A L   R A D I O H E A D

Left to Right:  Thom Yorke, Front Man, Lead Vocals, Guitar, Piano; Jonny Greenwood, Lead Guitar, Keyboards, Synthesisers; Colin Greenwood, Electric and Stand-Up Bass; Ed O'Brien, Guitar, Vocal Backing, Vocalise; Philip Selway, Drums, Backing Vocals, Vocalise. Clive Deamer (Not Pictured), Drums. 

1986 On a Friday (Band's Original Name):  Demo Album; Fat Girl; Lock the Door.

1993: Pablo Honey; Prove Yourself, Blowout,

1995 The BendsBones, High and Dry; The Bends; Just; 

1997 O.K. ComputerParinoid Android: Electioneering; Karma Police; Climbing Up the Walls; The Tourist.

2000 Kid A (Meditative);Everything in its Right Place; Kid A; Morning Bell; Idioteque; National Anthem; In Limbo; How to Disappear Completely. Optimistic.

2001 Amnesiac (Meditative);  Pyramid Song; Life in a Glass House (Pure Jazz);Packt Like Sardines in a Crushed Tin Box; Knives Out; Dollars and Cents; I Might Be Wrong; Like Spinning Plates;

2003 Hail to the Thief, 2 + 2 = 5;Sit Down Stand Up; There, There;Where I End and You Begin; Sail to the Moon; Backdrifts; A Punch Up at a Wedding;  Scatterbrain.

2007 In Rainbows: 15 Step; Bodysnatchers, Nude; Weird Fishes/Arpeggi; Faust Arp; Reckoner; House of Cards; Jigsaw Falling into Place; Videotape;

2008 Greatest Hits:

2011 King of Limbs :  Feral; Staircase; Supercollider; Little by LittleLotus Flower; These are my twisted words; The Butcher; CodexGive Up the Ghost (Haunting, Beautiful); SeparatorThe Daily Mail.

2016 A Moon Shaped PoolBurn the WitchDecks Dark; Desert Island Disk; Ful Stop; Identikit; The Numbers.

Singles:  Staircase, Street Spirit, Daydreaming (At the end, the sound produced is identical to the snoring noise we oftentimes make just before we die), Lotus Flower, Go to Sleep;

Live Performances:

Web:  Radiohead Public Library:  I now have the Library Card for Paul S. Whetstone

Filmography:  (2007) Scotch Mist, from the In Rainbows Album.  King of Limbs and In Rainbows are both live on From the Basement;

Pablo Honey:  B

The Bends: B

OK Computer A+

Kid A gets an A+++:  Great long play album.  Jazzy.  Electrica. 

Amnesiac gets an A+

Hail to the Thief: B+

In Rainbows: A+++

King of Limbs: B

A Moon Shaped Pool:  A+++