Friday, September 3, 2021

Latest Project - The Basement

I used a mint chocolate kit kat as a color theme for my basement, sans sandy cookie striations. Kona Brown and varying shades of tealish mint green. Now and then I can find a discounted gallon of this color. It never matches, but that's okay. It's the basement. Besides, so long as I don't comingle the different mixtures on the same plane, I'm okay. Besides, I really don't give a fuck. If I paint one side of a cube with one shade, and another side with another, you can't event catch it. When I bought this place 27 years ago, there was a dirt floor in the basement with dehumidifiers running 24/7. Now, she's "dry as a hot prairie wind." Bone dry. The freehand chimney art is from the cover of a Frank Black album, entitled "Oddball." I like it because it's creepy. I painted the left eye larger than the distant right eye. I know a man who suffers from this same kind of affliction. Very attractive.