"The mind must be given over to wandering walks and so too must you." Seneca
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Radiohead - I Froze Up [Unreleased]
The dissonant chordwork worms its way inside my shirt, encircles my chest, and finds an opening in the solar plexus so the adventure can begin inside the enormous head of my man. I actually "froze up" two years and four days ago. My brother called and told me that our mother had died after a 14 year experience with dementia and wasting. I was sitting in an old rocking chair in Paul's old room upstairs. I froze up. I lost sight of everything except the absolutely stunng news that my mother had died. I had to wait and actually earn the slow thaw that would come, but would take it's goddamned time about it. I'm still frozen deep inside the solar plexus, where the dissonate chords worm their way around, aimlessly, once they reach their destination. A mother is a hell of a thing to lose.
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