Friday, April 15, 2022

Paul Finebaum and Johnsonville, Inc. and the Human Pig

I could watch this godamn pig's slow exploitation of this helpless cookie for the rest of my life. I'm so happy for the moment. But suddenly, the moment's is intrrupted by the inevidable delve that apparently defines me. That uncontrollable and damnable enlightenment that again brings me back to the brutal human truth: The history of hundreds of millions of this animal's kind is filled with cruel incarceration and absolute bloody horror, and the fucked up show's not even over yet. Paul Finebaum plays his significant part in this brutal slaughter by reaping the advertising rewards from his firm's client, Johnsonville, Inc. via the Paul Finebaum Show. So fuck Johnsonville's disgusting industrial pork plants, and fuck Paul Finebaum, too.