Sunday, June 5, 2022

Excerpt From "In the Belly of the Beast," by Jack Henry Abbott

When a man takes a position opposed to another and refuses to discuss the matter on the grounds that he feels that the truth of his position lies in a feeling in his heart that the next man does not have, he has take an anti-human stand against humanity.  This is because the aim of humanity to achieve a common (social) agreement.  Any fool can see this is correct, since we are social beings.

In reality, only equals can reach agreements.  So long as classes are not equal, men are not equal, and there is no way I can reach any agreements with the enemies of my class -- particularly since these enemies hold the power of life or death over us.  A man who "disagrees" that someone else should take his life is in no position to restrict this "disagreement" to words.  If deeds will solve the "disagreement," they are as valid as words.

Sentiment is not the source of human weakness although today it is the tool of that weakness.

Human weakness lies in the fact that no one is perfect because no society is perfect.  It is not the consciousness of this that pardons men from choosing sides.  Only ignorance pardons.