"The mind must be given over to wandering walks and so too must you." Seneca
Friday, June 3, 2022
So be it (The Liberty of the Subterranean Shift)
Let go. I mean it. Let go. Let the currents carry you into the no one knows, into the we don't know. Don't know what you don't know and forget what you do. Even though the current will transport you in the macro sense, you will still be vested with tiny controls. Like the tiny critter attempting to navigate the corners of a swiftly running mountain branch near Looking Glass Falls Creek off 276 where, in the end the current will cause her descent to Brevard and below. But in the course of that journey, she stays afloat. She does not drown. She even exits the quick current at opportune times, takes a break, breathes in the sky, and then joins the conveyor again to god knows where, but she don't care. The wind even plays a role. It, too, is defined by its currents. The Looking Glass Creek is driven by the angles of the earth and gravity, but the wind . . . there's something else at play, like the planet spinning and the wind currents trying to keep up, exhausted at times, but always busy somewhere and sometimes right here. So be it. So be it all. Let it play with me. Let it affect me. Let it move me, even if at times it moves me to tears. Just let go. Let the hairs and sweat squeeze from my porus surface area. Offer these emanations the liberty to explore the air, and one another. Walk around the house naked. Let it be. Let it be shallow. Don't dig in. Or, if you've dug in, cultivate radishes and legunes to break up the grounds so you and I can loosen our roots and pull them up just enough to break new ground, so that they, too, can explore subterranean novelties. There's a brick buried below the water maple that needs to be adjusted. Let it move, even if just a little. A slight alteration equals work, regardless of how slight. Let it be shifted in the dirt. The liberty of the subterrannean shift awaits you, Mr. Brick. It's an adventure. It's necessary for the planets. The centuries will be pleased. Say so much for the history that should not but does shift on account of the lack of a proper accounting. That is changing, too. Real time is good time. Rewind is beautiful. Don't be afraid to rewind if you forget in order to remember and to remember with dead accuracy. So be it. So be the trees. So be the springing up of life in beltan. So be the interference that we've built up to the wind. Love the way the wind forces its way into Michigan Aveneue and blows the world around. So be the critter in the creek. I dare you. You see, we have little shards of clouds in our eyes. And that's okay.
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