"The mind must be given over to wandering walks and so too must you." Seneca
Sunday, January 16, 2022
DAVID BOWIE - THE HEART'S FILTHY LESSON (Take your pick: stage dramatic, or stage live. Each is better than the other).
From time to time, and always inexplicably, I break out in a chronic condition called David Bowie. But it's more than that. I has to do with the radius radiating in all mathematical directions from the center of the earth, the molten iron with tenticles extended in all directions in all three dimensions, squeezing lava out of our planet's porous, pock marked face. It touches upon fractiles and sea shells, and the sand in her cracks. It's about the lost realizing they don't wish to be found. It's about formlessness. And the heart's lessons, seen through the lens of the gut, then stretched out into fine tight strings and, ultimately, plucked into the music that tells the ancient story that covers the history of the Truth in abstractions that only I can understand. PGSW
Appalachian American Ennui: Newt Gingrich, The Lillelid Murders, and Appalachi... : NPR did a piece called "This I Believe" a...
This is an important film, thanks to the hard work of director, Daniel Schmidt. It should appeal to everyone, regardless of your hemisp...