Sunday, March 27, 2022

Inventory of the Overrated

Drum solos, Alpha Males, Children, Prayer, Strength, Acronyms, Bass solos, The Beach, The Color Blue, The Family, Swimming Pools, Dogs, Tans, Crowds, Daylight, The Bitch Slap, The Shaved head, Will Smith, Jack White, Criminal Defense Lawyers, Restaurants, California, Meat, Youth, College, Adoption, Marriage, Charles Manson, Wine, Homosexuality, Andrea Mitchell, Weed, Clothes, Prime Numbers, Birth, Bisexuality, Old men with ponytails, Travel, Heterosexuality, Blues Music, Shoes, Nudity, Billionaires, Funerals, Extended Electric Guitar Solos, Solitude, Mick Jagger, Pop County, Charlie Sheen, God, Sexual Intercourse, Lakes, Hair, The Olympics, Serial Killers, Vacations, Keith Richards, Eating with others, Showering, The Church, Football, Oral Sex, Whistling, Summer, Lyrics, Soccer, Weddings, Philosophy, Stare Decicis, Real Estate, The Death Penalty, Life in Prison, The word Special, Life itself.