Friday, March 25, 2022

Happiness - Grant Lee Buffalo: Friday, March 25, 2022 - A Fitting Ending to a Great Week (An Image of My Sobriety)

What a fitting conclusion to a great week at work. I had criminal court in Greeneville this morning, after which I went out to investigate and photograph an area in south Hamblen County, called Sherwood Forest in connection to a case for which I was recently retained. Out of the blue, I was offered full use of a four wheeler to use to get around in the woods above South Cumberland Street. I was in the thickets for over an hour. Pure joy. Great week. They won't all be like this. Not even close, I know. But, I'll deal with that when it comes. I'll be ready for it. This rare image represents genuine happiness. This is what almost 20 years of being sober can occasionally yield. "Happiness, happiness, it's hard to come by, I confess, I'm bad at this, happiness, but if you find it, please share it with the rest of us." Grant Lee Buffalo