Sunday, August 4, 2024


Heroin's now neo-heroin and not like the China White or black tar in the daze of the days. Opium. Poppys. Afghans. While that provenencial substance is still present, so is fentanol and MDMA and a littlen blow if she get's really lucky. But, most graciously, they get charged in the singular with possession of a schedule two narcotc, salvaging them from some rogue ex-prosecutor who's probably killed people who is situated in dark red upper east tennessee from charging for them with all four. "Smoke don't spike." has been my sage counsel for decade to my many sad stories who have fallen off the bluff in the different kind of awaiting hell, which is their last best hope. Methadone maintenence and the concommittant rides to Newport or Mosheim six days per week. They have no drivers' licenses, so family gets called up. Forget about he lies for now, though they're innumerable as a sea sand and the size of the centuries, epic,and seemingly global when fitted up against the ones they have to tell to cover up their progenitors. It makes them much sicker. Problem: doing ten days in cust0dy draws into what's left a hideous and abomidable withdrawal that feel like the killer body flu coupled with a massively deep depression and most unpleasant bodily reactions. But if they do stay clean their reward is death because the next time comes the spike is the last time. Their tolerance has been drastically mitigated on account of the forbearance, and death's doors swing wide for them. I've known so very many.