Monday, August 12, 2024

A Prisoner's Path to Nature (The In-breath is the trailhead)

Even assuming the human prisoner is in "administrative segregation," which is a euphemism for solitary confinement, she is not segregated from nature. In fact, one of the most intricate manifestations of nature is fully present at all times -- the human body that shares the stars. It is observable through all of the senses that it has developed -- a self observing manifestation of the whole of itself. The inmate thus observes, through the body itself the diaphram as it moves, the heart as it beats, the central and peripheral nervous system as it fires, the body's capacity to process food and water, its wonderful ability to shed, to regenerate, to resist gravity itself with muscles and bones, and to stand wiithin constant protection by its brilliant sheathing. But most fascinating of all is the singularity with which these functions operate. When the inmate recognizes that, the observatory is constructed within her otherwise closed quarter. She cannot be denied the temporal proximity of this marvelous generation of life so long as it continues to breathe from the surrounding air, which is the life-enabling hallmark of of the floranatural fact of a singular life.