"The mind must be given over to wandering walks and so too must you." Seneca
Sunday, August 18, 2024
My Pineal Gland, Knuckled Violence, Paternal Pride Arising Eternal, and Robert Frost. (September 17, 2022 through August 17, 2024)
After slapping the shit out of the side of my face, and after I pleaded for another, he delivered immediately, but not in keeping with my request. In lieu thereof, he nailed me right between the goddamn eyes with a left hook, causing a flash-bang in my face, shocked and surprised bones and underlying tissues, and watering eyes. Even greater than the pain was pride's powerful rising, never to recede again, I suspect. In the days that followed, I recognized the love that made my obits and nasal cavities ache with just the right dollop of pain. And in those same days, the violence seemed to coalesce into the area between by two brows, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if all those calcified, rust-henged obstructive, chakrac seals were broken open when his beautiful fist came 'round and tagged me right in my fucking face. But, what's truly sacred is what it broke loose in my beloved aggressor. Exactly 23 months in the making. And let us not forget how his dear mother would have literally expanded outward with pure and perfect maternal pride, and ex-spousal delight, as well. But she wasn't, and in the words of Robert Frost, "that has made all the difference."
Appalachian American Ennui: Newt Gingrich, The Lillelid Murders, and Appalachi... : NPR did a piece called "This I Believe" a...
This is an important film, thanks to the hard work of director, Daniel Schmidt. It should appeal to everyone, regardless of your hemisp...