Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Ultra Violence: Ron Wallace, Hugh Huddleston, the Lillelids, the Hispanic baby, Bubba, Adam Kelly, Glass Eyed Rick on Short Mtn., Jeff Fye, Clarence and Mary Gallop, . . .

All cut short. These are the ghosts and institutional ranks of vilany from Alex DeLarge's "ultra violence," vibratting like battery operated plastic cocks, withn the anal reach of the Appalachian ethos, by my own account. This is Appalachian American Ennui. Bloody as blood sport blood cock fights and blood banks split wide open and spilt down porch steps and bloody stairwells from bloody bodies and their bloody body holes. Blood on blond bangs and behind little ears and baby seats. "Hold his fucking head under to the bubbles quit." Rage threw that dead baby against the wall on the West End of town. Clarence and Mary, old coupled, kicked to death so Tommy and Eddie could pawn their sentimental keepsakes and re-up with new bags of nose blow. Face shot off. Shot and run over. Bubba's face shot clean off. Rick got his glass eyes shot out when his lights went out. Jeff got killed by a detective. Shot all to fuck. Split wide open. And that's not all. I both advocated for and actually liked them both. Client kills client. Shot in the mouth. Shot in the mirror. Shot in the gullett and the solar plexus. Shot in the phone. Goddamn Steve Barnard shot Nate Ivy's leg clean off at the knee. Barnard now lies in that subterranian stinkng. Little girl burned up beside her daddy wearing my gift from the day before around her neck. Same age as my daughter. Her name was Amber Sumner. Judge Ben Strand caused the Kline boy to kill himself. Juvenle injustice times infinity. Now Ben lies stiking, too. "Fuck you, Judge Strand," lamented aloud in open court from the black man who had grown internally free from his serial sentences. Consecutive. Consequential. Lie there stinking up your subterranian six feet, Judges Strand, Beckner, Brand, Hagler, Johns, Mooneyham, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Cavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, Slone, Ogle,. . . . Even if you're not even dead yet. My Hancock County client then instructed his new victim: "Now turn around, you mother-fucker, so your guts will spill down into the holler." That's what.