Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Metrics of Narcotics

A local woman told me that she was present when kilos of cocaine, 2.2 pounds each, arrived in Morristown, Tennessee early one morning in the late nineties. They had dolphins emblazened in the centers, perfectly placed by cartel underlings, from the jungles of South America. She swore it her made her wet, especially when a AK emerged from behind the door, just in case. And terrified. In representing persons accused of narcotics crimes for almost 34 years, I've damn near learned the metric system. Big eights are an eighth of full keys, eightballs are 3.4 grams, which is one eighth of an ounce, keys are one thousand grams and suffer cuts with baby laxitive by greedy purveryors of what remains most dangerous drug on earth. Those little bumps eventually cause brain damage, e.g. Robin Williams and Anthony Bourdain. And as the brief, 15 minute euphoric, and deadly intense lift it provides wears off, it's time to reboot, all night long.