Wednesday, December 18, 2024

I dreamt I wrote a letter and read it

Fonted Times New Roman and sized twelve.

The Universe Inside

I was up before first light, first ensuring that the hallmark above my mind was secure, and it was. Deeply etched was the word, Faith, standing sentinal above my mind hole. Faith in myself and, if I stay three-treasures fit, complete faith in the Way. Realizing first as I concentrated on my diaphram, that one can absorb the sutras, like speed reading. Samadal, sutral, mindful concentration, feet first, then floating slowly upward through my bones, muscles, gelatanous pipes and cables. Anatomical identification scores the rising scan of my body. I realized that my sentience was the mudroom into the house of craving. I, too, understood that the wonder of my body coalesced, not into the hard and soft hardware and software within, but into point where there is singularity, like your God Almighty. The point at which I'm free to extrapolate the magic of my joint and several body outward into the dark holes of space, absorbing the sutras and dharma abstractly and curved light without reading a word. But, you can't cheat at this, so there's much to be done. I'm reminded that I still have time to do it, but barely enough.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

There's no chickenshit nonsense bullshit on my fone, goddammit!

Look deeper into this sentence and you will find that the message, frivoloous as it may be, evinces a dancing cadence when read, especialy aloud. Much like a sentence that I wrote embedded within a piece of prose, long forgotten, about the school cafeteria and lunch boxes, wherein I put, "Mom made for trading fruit for boiled eggs at table two."

Friday, November 29, 2024

Appalachian American Ennui and Antinatalism

A man who lives in the next county over, and who does not even know that he is part Jewish, has taught his eight year old granddaughter the Nazi Seig Heil salute. Her mother is the eye witness and can do nothing about it because her production of offspring has hemmed her in to her the monster's home where she is stuck. Antinatalism should be taught in the schools. "Motherhood mean mental freeze." And I just learned that the ruining child called a little boy a monkey because of his race. The man in the next county over is grooming another monster in his trumpian image. This is AAE at it's worst. This is the rule, not the exception, in these Clinch mountains that lean in order to hide these snug pockets of sadness from the rest of most of us.

Friday, November 8, 2024

The Law is a Hateful Thing.

Ida Miller nailed it when she uttered these sage words: "Paul, the practice of law must be a hateful thing." Indeed it is, Ida Miller. I suppose that I inadvertently taught her this truth, which condensed this awful reality. It's no coincidence that she uttered the maxim when she did, like synchronicity in real time, because my recent experiences with my practice drew out hordes of hatred in me. Yes, I was successful, but this time I actually harmed another human being in obtaining my client's desired result. Her arresting officer was a young woman whose dream had been realized when she got her badge. I saw the bodycam and dashcam of her going out the arrest of my client, and, quite honestly, she did everything by the book. She was compassionate in the process of detaining my very troubled client. This is the exception. Please know that. Jenna worked her case like new recruits normally do; everything by the book. In fact, this was her first arrest. And well done it was. So my job began when I was retained. The matter lingered on the docket for months and months, as is the norm. We had hearings. Motions. I even retained the serives of an expert witness from the University of Tennessee. Our trial date was set. November 8, 2924, which was yesterday. During the course of my representation I was told that my victim had earlier been forced to resign her position as a police officer. With trial approaching, I did what I am actually required to do as directed by the sixth amendment to the constituion, and its state counterpart. To provide "effective" assistance of counsel. So I filed motions to reveal the undergirding reasons Jenna was forced to resign, and I subpoenaed her personnel file as well as herself. I was agressive through the agency of pure exploitation of the perceived weakness that I now saw in the State's case. As I am now old, this conduct on my part in pursuit of my practice bites very deeply into my conscience. I used to feeel practically nothing when engaging in similar strategies. But, in this case, which ultimately resolved to my client's satisfaction on account of the harm I did to this young lady in putting her in fear of having to testify about the mistake that cost her career, I got sick. I am still sick. Physically, I my stomach has revolted against me. I can barely eat now. And mentally, I have lost much of what I had gained in overcoming depression. I deserve this hell that has now had hold of me for a week now. My mind an body have revolted against me. I am sick and I ought to be sick. I think I should see this as a warning. So many criminal defense attorneys drink this away, or worse. I see it in their elderly faces when they come to court bloated and red. I honestly feel like I would welcome returning to the earth, but that is not up to me, so I suffer. Suffering is baked in to this life, and my time has come again to suffer and am left exsanguinated. I take solace in the justice that it has brought to the fore. I want the world to be underpinned with broad justice, so maybe this is evidende of that. I do thank god that I realize this. I am aware. I have a conscience. I am depleted, but still here. The moment this kicked in, I immediately felt my age. Mind, too, that I've been a professional keeper of secrets for 34 years. Thick folders, accordians, and bankers boxes full of "confidences and secrets," according to the mandate of the Supreme Court of the State of Tennessee. They weigh heavy but, because of that weight, some weird neuroplasticity kicks in that enables the burden to keep things from collapsing. And now I've remembered that love rises within the law as well.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Gerald Manly Hopkins Frozen to the Appalachian Ground, Ice Cold

Spinning orbital outer spacework froze the ground outside last night and changed everything into sturdier stalks from "fresh firecoal,[walnut] falls, finches wings, fold, fallow and [frosty] plow, landscapes plotted and pieced, and all trades, their gear and tackle and trim," sleepier bees lethargic waspers, and nasalwake gusts into the inside my face cavaties, first thing, while countering with hot black coffee.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Took Winston Churchill's Black Dog for a Walk on Sunday. It Got Out on Tuesday.

Or maybe it took me for a walk. Understand that when we take each other out, which is fortunately a rare thing, we usually have to avoid the venue for a long time afterward on account of socially unacceptable performances we delivered. Unless, of course, when we can't. The good news is that, despite the dog slipping his lead yesterday as I was working at the Justice Center, I didn't slap the genuine fuck out anyone.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Phantom Thread - This film will be remembered as a classic over and above the classics

Masterfully and entirely novelly Written and directed by P.T. Anderson, this film is absolutely great in every respect. Run the credits. It all bends sharply toward cinematic perfection. DD Lewis, and Vicky Kreips are hynotic. Eleven out of ten, so where's it been for the last seven years? I never understand this temporal gap between the release of great art to the public and my cognition of its exitence. I have a very strong hunch that it has something to do with the marketplace. No problem.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My Pineal Gland, Knuckled Violence, Paternal Pride Arising Eternal, and Robert Frost. (September 17, 2022 through August 17, 2024)

After slapping the shit out of the side of my face, and after I pleaded for another, he delivered immediately, but not in keeping with my request. In lieu thereof, he nailed me right between the goddamn eyes with a left hook, causing a flash-bang in my face, shocked and surprised bones and underlying tissues, and watering eyes. Even greater than the pain was pride's powerful rising, never to recede again, I suspect. In the days that followed, I recognized the love that made my obits and nasal cavities ache with just the right dollop of pain. And in those same days, the violence seemed to coalesce into the area between by two brows, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if all those calcified, rust-henged obstructive, chakrac seals were broken open when his beautiful fist came 'round and tagged me right in my fucking face. But, what's truly sacred is what it broke loose in my beloved aggressor. Exactly 23 months in the making. And let us not forget how his dear mother would have literally expanded outward with pure and perfect maternal pride, and ex-spousal delight, as well. But she wasn't, and in the words of Robert Frost, "that has made all the difference."

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Why Don't Appalachian Women Dance?

I confine this to real Appalachian women who have not enjoyed the swelling experience of attending a college in an urban area because of generational poverty, unintended pregnancies, religious indoctrination, backwardness and ignorance. In narrowing the question, it seems I've answered it.

Monday, August 12, 2024

A Prisoner's Path to Nature (The In-breath is the trailhead)

Even assuming the human "inmate," which is a euphemism for prisoner, is in "administrative segregation," which is a euphemism for solitary confinement, she is not segregated from nature. In fact, one of the most intricate manifestations of nature, a universe unto its self, is fully present at all times -- the human body that shares the stars. It is observable through all of the senses that it has developed -- a self observing manifestation of the whole of itself. The inmate thus observes, through the body itself the diaphram as it moves, the heart as it beats, the central and peripheral nervous system as it fires, the body's capacity to process food and water, its wonderful ability to shed, to regenerate, to resist gravity itself with muscles and bones, and to stand wiithin constant protection by its brilliant sheathing. But most fascinating of all is the singularity with which these functions operate; When the inmate recognizes that, the observatory is constructed within her otherwise closed quarter. She cannot be denied the temporal proximity of this marvelous generation of life so long as it continues to breathe from the surrounding air, which is the life-enabling hallmark of a singular, yet fractal life. This is available through Thich Nhat Hanh's universal in-breath, maybe late at night, while the others rest within their bodies unaware.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Crooked Dice

Louie c k stands for "causes kancer."

Of the soul sellers and truth tellers. Louie C.K. is one of the worst people on earth, not necessarily because he exposed himself to noncomplict women, but because he folded the shame back into a comeback tour where he exploited his own experience, not to for any redemptive reason, but for cheap laughs that made him and his brand even more unnecessary millions. Please die and ressurrect George Carlin. Louie CK causes cancer. It's perfectly acceptable to hate this stupid mother fucker.

Elephant Revival - "Wildfire" (Original by Mandolin Orange)

Elephant Revival "Remembering a Beginning"

Don't let the Pimps of Materialism sell you a dream home on Mars, or tri...

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Little girls in leotards and human competition are tools

Tools of capitalism in the aggregate to further divert the attention of the stupid masses from social injustices created by the monster itself. Fact, goddammit.

Monday, July 15, 2024

When I Shut My Eyes I can smell the Wild West

This acute drought invites the short shadows of desert life into my Appalachian sentience and such allows my mind to veer off into those desert colors I once saw in the four corners, and the smell of the odd red and those strange green striations on desert walls of younger western montanas that might resemeble the bones of these ancient Appalachain rises. Rise and fall, my beloved friends. Nevermind the hill and holler billies within this vertical life, dry with summer arid all around makes me inhale the desert and sadly forsee my own mountain rain forests succomb to the same climatic genesis of those western ranges long after I have contributed my own set of bones to their earthworks.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Lou Reed - Endless Cycle

This song, from Reed's masterwork album, New York, forecasted the greatest societal problem since slavery. It's called "Endless Cycle," but the cycle can be slowed to a crawal through widespread postive eugenics programs. What's at stake? Everything.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Asheville - June 29, 2024 - Frank's First Ink Conflated With an Electric Pacifier and Appalachian American Ennui

Blackie made sure my rising, which I then paid forward to Frank with unexpected and amazing results by climbing atop his long body, straddling his sleeping chest and arms, and ensured his awakening, as well. We were up early and soon set out. Inkward, onward, and southbound to Asheville. The Amsterdam of the Southern Appalachians. I think we laughed all the way from Morristown to Asheville, if that's even possible. I shared my guts with my best friend, and the hilarity overtook the Toyota interior the entire way down. Iced coffee from the cooled countertop in the Woolworth enabled us to watch it rain on beautifully progressive and high functioning people of all stripes. True to form, Frank cautioned the congregants and artists: "you really can't take him anywhere," and bade the top of the morning to gentle pixie-like Jordan Ata in the afternoon. Gentle Jordan, to whom I entrusted my changeling, enabled my emergent son Forever changed from Forever Tattoo. The color black enabled the others to bulge from muscled armed surroundings. Peanuts, Pepsi, and yes, sadly, a couple of Red Bulls were found to be necessary on no sleep. I, on the other hand, slept long and and nightmarishly well. His was but two hours. The prize? Yet another of the greatest days of our lives. Meanwhile, above Clinch Mountain near Yellow Branch, called, Chinqupin, near War Creek, which empties into the Clinch River, the boy with that plastic abomination flashing red, blue and green in his mouth turned six. I was told "a man gave it to him." It reminds me -- What's to become of the boy amongst the hill and holler billies and the children among whom they affect? I bought the fucked up, garish instrumentality from him for two bucks and took it home and threw it into the cats. Vergil is chasing its flashing lights violently across the floorboards. I've seen this monstrosity unfold before. This happens with a silent frequency within the hollows of Appalachian American Ennui. It's called grooming, and it puts merciless violence in my heart and ironically does nothing to pacify.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Goodbye Horses

NIN - Only

Sleep Drifter - King Gizzard

Make it wi chu - Queens of the Stone Age

How Soon Now - Johnny Marr (Smith's Cover_

Viagra Boys - 6 Shooter (instrumental) Great

PJ Harvey - Dress

Sonic Youth - Kool Thing

EELS - Novacaine for the Soul

Trisomie - The Last Song

Portishead = The Rip Viddy

Viagra Boys - Troglodyte

Son, please run inside and press like before it's too late. Thanks.

Just Like You - Viagra Boys

Deadcrush - AltJ

Viagra Boys - Punk Rock Loser

Ministry - N.W.O. (New World Order)

Who's Rule of Law?

IDLES: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Viagra Boys - Sports

Pixies - Gouge Away (Modified by the Pixies Most Excellent)

The Black Keys - Lonely Boy [Official Music Video]

Viagra Boys - Research Chemicals (Barely beneath the levity lies a very important subject we better listen to, if we're able to discern the message)

7Horse - Way Down South

7Horse - Two Stroke

Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Beloved Version of My Mother - Our Last Day Together

I took my mother to Mount Vernon Restaurant on South Broad Street just south of Chattanooga before her cognitive acuity had completely failed her.  We ate collard greens.  Afterward, we drove up Lookout Mountain, and then on to Hixson to look at our old house on Brynwood Drive.

 En route, I drew a brick house to her attention and confessed that when I was in third grade I coaxed Perry Anne Davis to show me her pussy in its basement.  We shared an immediate and intense belly laugh.

"Greg," she howled, "you just won't do!"

A perfect day in the life. Just us two.

Til Tuesday - Voices Carry - 3/26/1986 - Ritz

BENEE - Green Honda (Unknown Mortal Orchestra Remix) (Official Audio)

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Friday, February 23, 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Santigold - Disparate Youth (Official Music Video)

Alex Serra - Outter Space (Official Videoclip)

Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes - Tidal Wave [Official Video]

Don't Call My Name

Hospitality - Traps and Arrows

Hospitality - I Miss Your Bones (Live on KEXP)

Rat Palace - Look My Way

Hospitality — Rikki Don't Lose That Number (Steely Dan cover)

Hospitality - Eighth Avenue

Hospitality - Going Out (Official Music Video)

Hospitality - I Miss Your Bones (Official Music Video)

Hospitality - Nightingale

The Smile - Under Our Pillows

The Smile - Thin Thing (Official Video)